B & Let Liv Project + Endless Mountains Vineyards
We need volunteers for manual work to create this path and will be holding a Labor of Love event on May 3, 2025 at 296 Vineyard Ln, Falls, PA 18615. Helpers with heavy equipment would be greatly appreciated. Volunteers will be invited to a party afterwards! This is a great opportunity to get some exercise and meet new people!
We are looking for donations of dirt, plants & trees, shovels, rakes, etc. If you have a small business and would like to contribute, please reach out to Connected Fungirl Wellness or Endless Mountains Vineyards. Donations are tax-deductible, and we would love to feature your business name along the pathway.
Join us for nature and art therapy activities in June & July. We will have a tree and flower planting event where you can plant an item in honor of your loved one. In August, we will hold the initial brick ceremony, but the pathway and garden will continue to grow over time.
This site automatically keeps track of our orders. If you choose to pay by check, please contact us as soon as possible to submit your donation.This site automatically keeps track of our orders. If you choose to pay by check, please contact us as soon as possible to submit your donation.
Just follow the simple step-by-step process below to place your order. Be sure you are happy with your brick design as it will look very similar to the image on your computer when completed.
Brick with Personalized Graphic
**Add a Custom or Business Logo to your Brick**
Get your image APPROVED by That's My Brick!® before placing your order.
Please email design@thatsmybrick.com with:
1) Signed and completed copy of the Letter of Agreement attachment below
2) Black & White, High Resolution file of your Custom/Business Logo
3) Please notate that it is for “BLETLIV”
4) That's My Brick will notify you if the logo has been approved
*Approval Process can take up to 1 week
Click Here for Letter of Agreement
** The Letter of Agreement is for legal Trademark purposes and is required before a custom image will be approved **
Pay online with a major credit card (VISA/MC/AMEX/DISC).
Pay by check or money order.
Follow the on-screen directions during checkout.
If you have any questions, please contact
Jennifer Windt at 267-785-3814 or bandletlivproject@gmail.com