Monroe County Friends of Animals

Paving the Way to "Forever" Homes.

Monroe County Friends of Animals is partnering with That’s My Brick!® to provide a personalized way to support the construction of the Eastbourne Animal Center. Bricks will be placed prominently in the area between the sidewalks leading to the center's entrance.

With a minimum donation to our Building Fund of $150, a brick will be engraved and placed in this area.

How to Order:

Just follow the simple step-by-step process below to place your order. Be sure you are happy with your brick design as it will look very similar to the image on your computer when completed.

Ordering Quarterly, First Deadline is 3/1/25
Once space is filled orders will close!

Payment Options:

Pay online with a major credit card (VISA/MC/AMEX/DISC).
Pay by check or money order.
Follow the on-screen directions during checkout.

If you have any questions, please contact
Cheryl Ulmer

Design and Personalize Your Brick