Donate to a Good Cause with Personalized Bricks

That's My Brick® has worked with many organizations in all 50 states to use personalized bricks to raise funds for their cause. Whether you are looking to give back to the community or donate to a worthy cause, personalized bricks are an excellent way to contribute.

Your contribution to a brick donation fundraiser can benefit many types of organizations such as schools, churches, veteran groups, social organizations, relief organizations, medical foundations, local government projects, hospitals, clinics, and countless other sorts of groups that are raising funds for their great causes. Not only are personalized brick fundraisers a simple and successful method of raising funds, but they will also create beautiful projects such as new brick sidewalks, patios, plazas, or walls. Donors will have the satisfaction of making the fundraiser a success and receive everlasting appreciation from the organization by having their names memorialized in each engraved brick.

That's My Brick® appreciates your contribution to a good cause through the purchase of memorial bricks. The following is a list of organizations for which we have created Secure Donor Sites. We invite you to browse through the list to find a cause to which you'd like to contribute. If you do not see the organization that you wish to donate to in the list below, please ask that organization to contact us by filling out the contact form in our contact page, calling us at 877-271-0217 or by clicking the live chat button. We are open from 8:00 AM to 4:00 PM Cental Monday - Friday.

If you are interested in starting your own personalized brick fundraiser with That's My Brick®, you can request a free information pack at or call us at 877-271-0217. We can also send you a free sample brick for you to evaluate.

Donor Sites

Group Name Donor Site Link
Bellevue College Foundation bellevuecollege
Bloom Our Youth, Inc. safekidsga
Kennesaw Charter Science and Math Academy kennesawcharteracademyga
Tree House Child & Family Center wcac
Piney Grove Baptist Church pineygrovenc
Sedan, Kansas - Yellow Brick Road sedanksybr
Springhill CME Church springhill
Olympia South PTO osplayground
HHS Youth Leadership Club hwcgardenny
Allegro Performing Arts Academy allegrodance
Lakeside UMC thelakesideumc
Don Diego Scholarship Foundation dondiegoscholarship
Mills Park Middle School-Grow Club mpmsgrowclub
Lake Burton Park lakeburtonpark
FeedNC feednc
Child's Remembrance Garden luvacf
Veteran's Victory Alliance vvahonorgarden
Cape Charles Rosenwald School Restoration Initiative ccrosenwald
Holly Springs Veterans Park eaglescoutdg
Newnan-Coweta Humane Society nchs
La Tercera Elementary Boosters PTA ltpta
Agape Center NRV agape
Mt. Pilgrim Missionary Baptist Church mpbc
Bellevue Dance Academy bellevuedance
Lyle Jackson Memorial Garden northglennheights
Huntoon-VanRensalier Underground Railroad Monument hvugrr
St. John's Childhood Center stjohnscc
Clyde Shepherd Nature Preserve csnpbrick
St Rose of Lima Catholic Community stroselima
Seeds of Hope - Memorial Gardens seedsofhopeny
Rockwell City Chamber rockwellcity
The Oaks Tiny Tigers Preschool oakstinytigers
Pulaski Heights Baptist Church phbclr
Jackson Woods Presbyterian Church jwpc
Hartley Botanica hartleybotanica
Watertown American Little League watertownall
The Arc GHV NY thearcghvny
Falls Lake Academy Bricks fallslakeacademy
Ivy Hill Therapeutic Equestrian Center ivyhillequestrian
Eagle Scout Project eaglepwsoccer
Magnolia West HS Baseball Booster Club magnoliawestbb
Chapin High School - Veterans Memorial chapinhsvets
Angel In the Graveyard angelinthegraveyard
St Luke Baptist Church stlukebaptistfl
LA County Sheriff's Dept eastlosunited
North Pasadena Business Association npba
St James Day School stjamesdayschool
Duncansville VFW Post 8724 vfw8724
Summerfield Crossings Elementary School summerfieldelemfl
United Methodist Church of Mt Kisco mountkiscochurch
Lakeland Park-Gazebo Area lakelandpark
The Verdi History Center verdihistory
St Benedict School - Fr. Lemke Playground lemkeplayground
Nature Explore Outdoor Classroom natureexplore
Methow Valley Memory & Community Garden mvmg
Oakwood Heights Community Church myohcc
Girl Scouts of the Desert Southwest Troop 68285 gstroop68285
First United Methodist Church of West Chicago heritagebell
Garrett College Baseball gcbaseball
Pathways of Hope pathwaysofhope
Stacyville Veterans Memorial stacyvillevets
NATASHA House, Inc. natashahouse
Miss Helen's Private School misshelens
White Oak Elementary School woodz
Cambridge Springs High School Marching Band csmbpa
Princeton Junior School pjssportscourt
Spartans PTSO spartansptso
Glen Loch PTO glenlochpto
Palm Coast Elks elks2709
EQUI-KIDS equikids
Hatikvah Charter School hatikvahcharternj
Sarah' Oasis for Women sarahsoasis
Eau Claire Nationals Little League eauclairenll
Family Crisis Center fcctx
Memorial Parkway Elementary memorialpkwyelem
Gerald Ford Garden Club geraldfordgc
Lincoln Memorial HS Alumni Legacy Walk lmhsalw
SERVE Inc. serveinc
Greenbrier West High School greenbrierwhs
Pave The Way Veterans Group veteransgroup
Orange High School PTSO ohsptso
Keyport Food Pantry keyportfoodpantry
Raise the Woof-Fetch Inc raisethewoof
FOP 89 Heroes Walk fop89
Amy Beverland Elementary- ABE 25 Year Celebration abe25
Tomball Little League tomball
Countryside Baptist Church csbc
South Fork School & Community Foundation southfork
Maryknoll Sisters mks
Davis Magnet School-Learning Garden davismagnet
Swanwick Bethel Cemetery sbcil
B. Diane McDaniel Park bdmp
Corinth Missionary Baptist Church - Walkway corinthbaptist
Girl Scout Troop 311 troop311flagpole
The Goathouse Refuge goathouserefuge
Boys & Girls Clubs of the Colorado River clubriver
CHI Health St. Mary's smch
Petersburg Humane Association pha
Museum of Veterans & Military History mvmh
Service Dogs by Warren Retrievers sdwr
Bayside Centennial 2015 baysidecentennial
Sigma Tau Gamma Project 711 stg711
Suffolk Lodge 60 suffolk60
Calhoun County Humane Society saveourtailstx
Evergreen Pet Cemetery evergreenpc
Special Needs School of Gwinnett snsofgwinnett
Glad Tidings Community Development Corporation gladtidings
Woodland High School whswa
Saline PTCO salineptco
Haskell Alumni Association of Lawrence, KS haks
Wood Gormley Elementary panthers
Allen University Alumni Association gaaau
Putnam Valley Boosters putnamvb
Crown Point Country Historical Society cpchs
Sunnyside Elementary PTO sunnysideelementary
Wilmington HS Athletic Boosters wildcatil
Animal Welfare Friends awfia
Farmville Volunteer Fire Department Auxiliary farmvillefire
Patuxent HS Athletics patuxent
Marlboro OFWB Church mofwbc
TerraNichol Academy of the Arts terranichol
ANIBIC anibic
Ford Yacht Club fordyachtclub
Susan B. Anthony Birthplace Museum susanbanthony
The Classical Academy tcaco
Danny Law Troop Deven 50 Eagle Project dannylaw
Seminole Elementary School sesfl
East Lynn Church of God elcog
New Bethel AME Zion Church newbethel
Congregational Church of Gafton, MA- Memorial Bricks uccgrafton
First Missionary Baptist Church fmbc
Sabine Elementary sabinetx
Nor-Gwyn Baseball & Softball ngsnackstand
Woodstock Harley-Davidson Veterans Memorial woodstockhdvmfund
Fab Lab Tulsa fablab
Wallace Elementary/ Middle School wems
Haddon Heights Baseball haddonheights
Washington Elementary School wesnj
Christ Academy Tribute Art Garden christacademytx
Royse City Calaboose Restoration - Royse City Chamber of Commerce roysecitycalaboose
Fairmount Elementary Garden Club fairmountco
Durham Farms Dog Park dfbarkpark
Siskin Hospital for Physical Rehabilitation siskin
Town Square townsquare
Union Campground unioncampground
St Stephen Congregation ststephenwi
Saluda County School District Foundation saludacsdef
Bellerose Village Centennial BelleroseVillage
Jacobs Aquatic Center jacfl
Hopatcong Hawks Soccer Club hhsc
Trinity Bible College tbcnd
St. Peter Missionary Baptist Church stpeterfl
Castle Soccer castlesoccerin
The Church of the Incarnation cotinm
Our Lady of Fatima Parish School olfca
Battle Mountain HS Booster Club bmhsnv
Spring Creek Elementary PTA springcreek
Greenfield Elementary School - greenfieldwi
Beth & Kevin bethandkevin
Sylvan Hills Middle School shmsga
Greater Bethel Apostolic Church Choir gbacoh
Mother Teresa of Calcutta Catholic School mtcfl
Farquhar Middle School farquhar
Trinity Lutheran School trinitylsil
Rockstar Rescue rockstarrescueaz
D.A.V. Chapter 12 davchapter12mi
Vanguard Landing vlva
CLFIRES clfires
Mattituck-Cutchogue Athletic Booster Club Mattituck
St Mark Orthodox Church stmarkorthodox
Bishop Gadsden Episcopal Retirement Community bishopgadsden
Cinnaminson Township cinnaminsonnj
Denver Christian Academy Inaugural Scholarship Campaign dcanc
Zion Baptist Church Marietta zbcga
Our Lady of Soledad Catholic Church oloscc
Landstown Middle School landstownmsva
Post 7318 Auxiliary la7318nc
GFWC Inverness Woman gfwcinverness
Spanish Peaks Arts Council spaceco
LEVEL 5 Design Group theLOTdowntown
Habitat for Humanity of Gibson County hhgcin
Holistic Center for Education graceholistic
Dallas Eagle dallaseagletx
Lewiston Sportsmen's Club lscmn
Glenhaven, Inc. glenhavenincwi
Speech & Language Development Center sldcca
St. Peters School stpetersny
Pi Beta Phi Sorority pibetaphior
Rippling Waters Campground ripplingwaters
IW (Iroquois West) Booster Club iwboosterclubil
Olive Hill Historical Society ohhsky
Legacy Preparatory Christian Academy lpcatx
Orange High School PTSA orangehsca
Rock Ridge Athletic Boosters rockridgeabcva
Outdoor classroom at Sanddown North sandownnorth
Antioch Baptist Church antiochrome
Chesterfield County Animal Services ccanimalservicessc
Freedom Gates Boys Ranch freedomgatesbr
Renee's School of Careers reneesschool
Splendora Junior High PTO sjhpto
Legacy Traditional School legacytraditionaz
Plymouth Historical Museum pchmia
LA Sheriff Station lennoxstation
Safety Harbor Chamber of Commerce shccfl
Kimball Volunteer Fire Department kimballfire
Camargo Hunt camargohunt
Splash Pad Project for Village of Woodville woodvillesplash
St. George Cathedral stgeorgeoh
Fernwood Montessori fernwoodwi
Queen of Peace Catholic School queenofpeaceor
St. Joseph's Monastery Parish sjmpmd
First Presbyterian Church fpcmcminnville
Original League, Inc. originalleagueinc
BJARCA Reflection Garden bjarca
Surreywood Swim & Tennis Club surreywood
F.N. Brown Elementary fnbrownelem
Aspen Health & Rehab middleriverhrc
Wags to Whiskers of Texas wagstowhiskerstx
Hillsdale Presbyterian Church hillsdaleks
Elmore City Athletic Boosters Club ecabc
Mountain View Community Fellowship mvcfid
Kathlyn Joy Gilliam Museum kathlynjoygilliammuseum
Blue Star Mothers of America, Inc. NY#1 bluestarmothersny1
Osage Forest of Peace forestofpeace
Parksley Veterans Memorial parksleyvm
The Lower Eastern Cherokee Nation Of SC lecherokee
United Pentecostal Church Family Life Center flcla
Templo Cristiano templocristianowa
Mustang Football mustangfootball
Mountain Shadows Montessori School mountainsms
Maysville Veterans Memorial maysvillenc
Kremlin-Hillsdale School khaefok
Ethical Humanist Society ehsil
VFW Post 9298 vfw9298
Sierra View Elementary PTC sierraviewelem
Chaffee PTO chaffeepto
La Grange Public Library lgplil
Crawford Heights Community Playground chcp
WKES Project Pavilion wkesri
Camp Thurman campthurman
Edgebrook Care Center edgebrookaux
Sons of the American Legion ehsons911
Rock Grove Baptist Church rockgrovenc
First Church in Belfast firstchurchbelfast
Peaster Elementary School peasterelem
Marysville Getchell Booster Club mgbcwa
The Paxton Grand Old Flag Project paxtonflag
Pioneer Sophomore Class pioneersc
Texana Center texanacenter
Assumption Greek Orthodox Church agoc
Charleston Collegiate School ccsji
Hydro and Aquatic Therapy Studio, INC. hydroaquatic
Park Moms Of Renville parkmoms
Odyssey Charter School PTO odysseypto
Boy Scouts of America bsauribe
Chiles Brick Campaign chilesbrickcampaign
Elmhurst Academy elmhurstacademyil
Bethesda Serenity Garden bethesdatn
White Sulphur Springs Ranch WSSRca
Mohansic PTA mohansicpta
Dr. Pablo Perez Elementary perezelem
New Trinity Community Church newtrinityca
Wisconsin River Trail Organization wirivertrail
Harbor Island Pavilion Project harborisland
Friends of Lapham Peak Park laphampeak
St. Louis Catholic Church stlouiscatholic
Inspiration Courtyard Pavers at Founders Cottage inspirationcourtyard
Marian Village Heritage Garden marianvillage
Simmons Middle School simmonsms
W.B. Saul Alumni wbsaulalumni
Clarence Park Memorial clarenceparkmemorial
Arvada Elks Lodge arvadaelks
The City of Avalon avalonca
New Life Christian Academy nlcapto
Black Hawk Walk blackhawk
Mount Pleasant Middle School mtpleasantms
Onahan Elementary onahanelem
Watt Family Park Fundraiser wattfamilypark
Faithland faithland
Pequea Elementary pequeaelempa
Knights of Columbus knightsofcolumbus
Herricks Athletic Boosters herricksab
Commerce High School Commercehighschool
McGinnis Woods mcginniswoods
Cathedral Parish School cpsbricks
New Egypt High School PTO newegypths
Sparta UMC Pathway to the Playground spartaumcpathway
Friends of Pahranagat Valley fopvsplash
New Masonic Memorial Project newmasonic
Friendsville Veteran's Memorial Fund friendsville
Compassionate Ministries Of Jackson County compassionmin
WOTM Chapter 456 wotm456
SA Sports Boosters - The Nest thenest
Eau Claire Community Memorial Foundation ecrodandgun
Save the GW Depots lovelandhist
Silver Oak PTO silveroakpto
Triton Tile Fundraiser tritonmuseum
Lakewood Historical Society lakewoodhist
Our Lady's Memorial Garden ourladys
Pave the Path to Play pavethepath
Building Together buildingtogether
Costa Mesa High School costamesahs
Aecst 225th Anniversary Brick Project aecst
Woodstock Community Village wscv
The Bayshore School bayshore
City of Wells Downtown Revitalization Project wellscity
Hingham Girl Scouts hingham
The Rotary Foundation Centennial Project southkitsap
Warrior Retreat at Bull Run sowwva
Redeeming Joy's Path to Healing redeemingjoy
Station Camp Bison Soccer bisonsoccer
American Cancer Society Hope Lodge Marshfield hopelodge
Indianhead Shelter Project indianhead
Batiquitos Lagoon Foundation batiquitoslagoon
God's Pathway The Church of Messiah godspathway
Woman 2 Woman woman2woman
Guyton-Callahan Post 152 guyton
Willows Intermediate School willows
Sakamoto Modernization Memorial sakamoto
Brooklyn Playground Campaign brooklyn
Friends of the EBA foeba
Sunrise Mountain Softball sunrisems
A. Philip Randolph PTA aprandolph
Inner Me Studios studios
Athens-Limestone Public Library Foundation alpl
Ballard Alumni Association, Inc. ballardalumni
Life UPC lifeupc
Beard Elementary School beard
Daughters of the American Revolution DAR
Grace Lutheran Church grace
Grace House gracehouse
Healing Springs Farmacy healing
Beautiful Feral Felines beautiful
Friends of the Park Ramsey ramseypark
First Lutheran Church Steeple Memorial firstlutheransteeple
CornerStone Christian Academy cornerstone
LAMP High School lamphs
Mt. Olive Baptist Church mtolive
Center Street PTA csspta
Symons Recreation Complex Foundationx Foundation symonsrec
Chi Chi Rodriguez Youth Foundation, Inc. chichi
Collier Elementary School (PTA) collierelem
Perry Co. Animal Rescue perryco
Rodger Oestrich American Legion Post 343 Hancock-Coloma WI rodgeroestrich343
Huntsville High School BPA huntsvillehs
Patriots Cove patriotscove
Harnett County Veterans Council harnettco
Dobson Academy dobson
Piedmont Baseball & Softball League piedball
Johansen Performing Arts Association johansenpaa
The 506th Airborne Infantry Regiment Association 506airborne
First Colonial High School Athletics firstcolonial
Disciples Women's Ministry tbadwm
Mt. Carmel Veterans Service Center mtcvsc
Mt. Carmel Health, Wellness & Community Center mtchwcc
Mead Outdoor Learning Center meadolc
Johnstown Historical Society johnstown
St. John the Apostle Church johntheapostle
Howell Cumberland Presbyterian Church howellcpy
Saint Paul School spschool
ABBAList abbalist
Ari's Place arisplace
Leland College Prep PTO leland
White County 4-H Goat Club goatclub
LT Michael P. Murphy Navy SEAL Museum mmurphy
St. Stephen's Lutheran Church stepluchurch
St. Henry Catholic Church sthen
Patrick Stone Eagle Scout Project Fundraiser pscout
The Foundation for Promoting Arts Ed-The Fellow Brick Road fellowbrickroadca
Port Tobacco Players porcopl
North Arlington Little League nall
Yucaipa Animal Placement yaps
Selma Bartlett PTO selmabartlett
The Addictions Care Center Of Albany theacca
Garden City Memorial Fund gardencity
Wyndham Bonnet Creek wyndhambonnetcreek
St. Mary's School stmarysschooloh
Indian Hills PTO indills
Mt. Sterling Veterans' Monument Project mtsteral
Founders Academy of Las Vegas falv
Downtown Dog Park dogpark
PHS Titans Boosters phstitans
Davis Blue Devils Athletic Boosters bluedevils
Walkers Ridge HOA genesis
Panther Valley Elementary School coolcats
St. Paul Lutheran Pre-School stpreschool
Saline High School salinehs
Southpaw Dog Park southpawdp
Tilton Police Department tiltonpd
Ivy League Montessori School (PTO) ilms
South Dakota Air & Space Foundation sdasm
Skybrook Golf Club - Bailey Memorial skybrook
Timber Lake Playhouse tlplayhouse
JCC of the Lehigh Valley lvjcc
St. Pius V School stpiusv
Navarino Nature Center, Inc. navarinonc
Operation Phantom Support operationps
RCSO - Jackson Charter School RCSO
Camp Ramah in Wisconsin campramahwi
Sonoma Dog Park Association, Inc. sdogpark
Hasbrouck Heights Swim Club hasbrohsc
The Mallory Country Club mallorycc
Capital City Post 8787, VFW capitalcp
The Arc of Central Virginia arcofcva
Allen Chapel AME Church allencamec
Abbeville County Animal Shelter abbevillecas
Enka Youth Sports Organization enkayso
Redding Tai Chi Meditation Garden taichimg
Willard Clock Tower Committee willardctc
Zion Episcopal Church zionecny
Inspiring Hope Ranch, Inc inspiringhr
City of Auburn auburnc
Richmond Area Skateboard Allience rasa
Oakwood Adventist Academy Alumni Association oaaalumni
Sean Hamilton Eagle Scout/Our Lady of Lourdes seanhes
Coastal Carolinas Association of Realtors ccarsc
C 60 Inc. c60inc
First Holy Ghost Church of God In Christ 1holyghostgc
West Of The Pecos Museum pecoswm
Orchard Heights PTSO orchardhptso
Hillcrest High School hillcresths
Cedar Springs Veterans Tribute cedarsvt
Huntsville High Softball Booster Club huntsvillesoftball
Phillips County Health Systems phillipschs
Montebello High School Alumni Association mhsaa
South Caldwell Lady Spartan Softball caldwellsoftball
Ocean Hills Country Club HOA oceanhoa
Crusaders for Veterans Inc crusadersvinc
Hudson Soccer Association hudsonsa
West Hempstead School District whempstead
Trinity United Methodist Church trinityunitedva
The King's Academy kingsaga
Sauvie Island School sauvieis
Ithaca School ithacawi
Alpha Kappa Lambda Fraternity alphakappalf
First Baptist Church fbcnewport
Resurrection Academy racademy
Oldham County American Red Cross ocarc
Oshkosh Water Tower oshkoshwt
Walden United Methodist Church waldenumc
Castor High School Sr. Beta Club chsbeta
Veterans Liberty Memorial PARK Of South East Louisiana veteranslibertymp
McLean High School mcleanhs
Southwestern Christian College Beautification Program southwestern
Canon Christian Academy canonca
Crestview Elementary PTA crestviewepta
Cedar Grove Ruritan Club cedargroveruritan
ILTexas Garland High School SPTO iltexasghspto
D'Evelyn Education Foundation Develyn
Fredonia Baptist Church fredoniabctn
Arkansas School for Mathematics, Sciences, and the Arts asmsa
Under the Stars Farm underthestarsfarm
Ft Lauderdale Multicultural Church ftlchurch
The Finish Line Club finishline
Community Health Services Foundation, Inc chscwi
Word of Faith Ministries wofm
Center Grove United Methodist Church cgumc
Stevenson Elementary stevensones
Marylhurst School marylhurstor
Toano Middle School PTSA toanoptsa
Due West United Methodist Church duewestchurch
Marlboro Iron Dukes Baseball irondukes
Rosemount High School Baseball Booster Club rosemounths
Sisters Outlaws Softball/Baseball Hitting Facility Fund sistersoutlaw
Brian Eldredge Memorial Skate Park bememorial
Essex North Shore Agricultural & Technical School essexaggieaa
Round Lake Beach Police Foundation rlbpolice
Mississippi Spay and Neuter msspan
Tarver Rendon Elementary School PTA tarverrendonpta
Peyton Wood Eagle Scout Project peytonesp
Reclaimig the Legacy ( Class of 1969 ) rtl1969
Desert Christian Schools desertcs
Weyauwega Area Historical Society weyauwega
Crescent Shrine crescentsnj
Burning Bush Original Church of God burningbush
First Christian Church fccottawa
Rustburg High School Legacy Garden rhslegacygarden
Mount Horeb Volunteers, Inc mounthorebwi
North Penn Post 676 VFW northpennvfw
American Legion Post 781 alpost781
Roberta's House robertashouse
Cadiz Methodist Church cadizmethodist
Alpha Rho House Corporation of Kappa Delta alpharho
Arkansas National Guard Museum arngmuseum
St. Brendan the Navigator Catholic Church stbrendansatl
Veterans National Memorial Shrine and Museum vnmsm
Monroe County Friends of Animals MCFA
Lake Forest Senior Community lakeforestsc
Save the Bells savethebells
Level Green United Methodist Church levelgreenumc
Dogs Deserve Better ddb
Amboy Depot Museum amboydepotmuseum
The Richards Library richardslibrary
Hagans Christian Church haganschristianchurch
Danvers Masonic Temple Association dmta
Milton Animal League miltonal
BMH-BJ Congregation bmhbj
Elgin Mental Health Center elginmhc
Grace United Methodist Church graceumcky
Yucaipa Community Foundation ycfca
Tri-County Baptist Youth Camp tricountybaptist
First General Baptist Church fgbchurch
Zion Baptist Church ziondc
USC Lancaster usclancaster
Highland Lakes Master Gardeners Association hlgardners
Hartsel Fire Protection District hartselfire
Hands On Oregon handsonoregon
Longmont High School lhsco
Lake Crystal Dog Park lakecrystaldp
Olive Branch Community Church obcchurch
VFW 8541 vfw8541
Our Lady of Fatima Parish ourladynj
Pinelands Regional HS- Class of 2027 prhs
Olney Hamilton Hospital Auxiliary ohhatx
Hollybrook Brick Memory Garden hollybrookfl
Brandon Assembly #23 of Florida Rainbow Girls ba23fl
Girl Scout Troop / Mosser Elementary gsmos
Sierra Mono Museum & Cultural Center sierramonomuseum
Hagood Mill Foundation hagoodmf
Prairie du Chien Memorial Library pdclibrary
Alexander Leigh Center for Autism alcacenter
NJY Camps njycamps
Chinle Planting Hope cph
Camp Ramah in the Rockies ramahintherockies
Mr Jaybo mrjaybo
The Foundry Ministries foundryministries
Maydell Jenks Elementary mjetx
Theta Xi thetaxiil
Camp Moshava Wild Rose moshavawildrose
Bobby Jones Golf Course Foundation bobbyjones
First United Methodist Church of San Fernando sanfernandochurch
Kanawha State Forest Foundation ksff
St. John's Lutheran Church stjohnsfc
Cocoa Elks lodge #1532 cocoaelks1532
Middlesex County Museum & Historical Society, Inc. middlesexmuseum
South China Public LIbrary southchinalibrary
Lewisboro Town Park Playground Improvement Corp. lewisboroplay
Montgomery Area Food Bank, Inc. montgomeryareafoodbank
Greenbrier Baseball greenbrierbaseball
Montclair History Center montclairhistory
Trinity Justice F & AM No. 79 trinityjustice
Loara Baseball Club loarabb
St. Joan of Arc Parish sjalisle
Tabb Tiger Band Parents thsband
Victory Alumni Association victoryaa
Beckwith Hills Christian Reformed Church beckwithhillscrc
Schenectady JCC schenectadyjcc
Galveston Sculpture galvestonsculpture
Zayvier's Chicken Chase zayvierschase
Franklin D. Roosevelt Alumni Association fdralumni
Black Wall Street Memorial blackwallst
St. Mark AME Zion Church Middle Street 100th Anniversary stmarkamezion
New Hartford Central School District Foundation newhartfordschools
West Aurora Blackhawk Sports Boosters blackhawkboosters
Stockport Heritage Society stockporthsia
Bethlehem Baptist Church Brick Pavers Fundraiser BBCGA
Cats Cradle Foundation, Inc catscradlefnd
Darien Veterans of Foreign Wars Post 6933 darienvfw
Salida Dog Club salidadogclub
Brookwood High School PTSA brookwoodhs
Summit Academy High School summitacademyhs
Friends of Arapaho Park arapahopark
Black History Museum of Warren County bhmwc
Houses For Warriors, Inc. housesforwarriors
American Legion Rusy-Bohm Post 411 alrbpost411
Columbia County Animal Protection (CCAPS) ccaps
Pawnee Indian Sports Boosters pawneesports
Police Athletic League of Jacksonville, inc jaxpal
City of Longmont longmont
Harbor Hope Center harborhope
Brainerd Lodge #736 brainerd736
St. James Missionary Baptist Church stjamesmbc
Indian Springs Camp - Hogs & Strings hogsandstrings
The Peale thepeale
Friends of Jackson County Conservation friendsofjcc
Humble Museum humble
West Valley Slammers wvslammers
Faith Temple Church faithtemplejasper
Belmar Elementary PTO belmarpto
Catholic Daughters catholicdaughters
Cheverly American Legion Post #108 cheverlyamericanlegion
Old Friends, Inc. oldfriendsinc
Oakland United Methodist Church oaklandumc
Christ The King Trust and Endowment ctkte
Barnstead Police Department barnsteadpd
Marquez Heritage society marquezhs
FCI Estill Employees Club fciestill
Zion Athletic Field zionathletic
Person High School Baseball personhs
Court Street School Education Community Center cssecc
Gordon Jewish Community Center gordonjcc
Pronto of Long Island, Inc. prontoli
Christ Community Lutheran School ccls
Millburn Cemetery millburncemetery
Home of Refuge Outreach Inc horoinc
Appalachian Agency for Senior Citizens aasc
Will Bright Foundation willbright
Shangri La Ranch shangrilaranch
Friends of the Army Women's Museum armywmnsva
Illini Dads Association illinidads
The Salvation Army - Crestmont College salvationarmycc
Bixby Historical Society bixbyhs
Magee Elementary School PTO mageepto
Triple Gs LLC triplegggs
Deerifeld NH Historical Society dhs
Sacramento Valley Museum svm
Portland Recovery Community Center prcc
American Legion Unit 75 alaunit75
Venice Challenger Baseball venicecb
Minister Franklin D. Florence Civil Rights Heritage Park civilrightshp
PHS Panther Booster Club phspanther
First Presbyterian Church of Byron fbcbyron
Prairieview Elementary PTO prairieview
River City Community Development Center rcitycdc
Shiloh Baptist Church shilohbaptist
ACE at Hermitage acehermitage
Antelope Valley Church of God in Christ avcogic
Barnesville Downtown Development Association barnesvilledda
Boys and Girls Club of Elko bgcelko
North Greece Fire Department northgreecefd
Mountview Property Owners Assoc. mtvpoa
Freedom Farm for Vets freedomfarm
St. Marks Lutheran Church stmarkslc
Atlanta Dance Theatre atlantadance
West Lake Preparatory Academy wlakeprep
Veterans Monument & Memorial holbrookvil
Stepping Stones TOO steppingstones
Mary's Grotto Committee marysgrotto
Sandyston Recreation Committee sandystonrec
Harmony Hills Cabana Club hhcc
St. Francis of Assisi Shrine sfamtkisco
One Art Community Center oneartcc
St. Charles Borromeo Catholic Church stcharlesoakes
Lydia Circle, Monthalia Methodist Church lydiacircle
Newton Township Historical Society NTHS
Friends of Lapham Peak flp
Land O Lakes Community Playground Inc Public Art Committee LOLCommPlay
Cahaba Homestead Heritage Foundation Inc chhf
Stephens Memorial Hospital smh
Genesis Prep Academy genesisprep
Wakulla County Memorial VFW - Post 4538 WCMVFW4538
South Park Schools Foundation spsf
Appalachian Veterans Memorial Park, Inc. avmp
The Candied Yam, LLC candiedyam
VFW Atterbury Post 3420 vfw3420
Camp Horseshoe Foundation camphorseshoe
Snellville Veterans Memorial Freedom Flame snellville
Wheaton Parks Commission wheatonparks
Friends of the Fayetteville City Cemetery FHFCC
KMF Social Enterprises - Keep Moving Forward kmf
Red Oak Community for Continued Growth redoak
Friends of the Wells/Robertson House friendsofwrhouse
Brady's Bridge, Inc. BradysBridge
Peachtree City Masonic Center pcmc
Town of Rib Mountain ribmtn
Athol Baptist Church atholbc
Paducah McCracken County Senior Center pmcsc
Illinois Beta of Sigma Alpha Epsilon Fraternity ILBE
Vita Nova Village vitanova
Eden Animal Haven edenah
Pinal County Veterans Memorial Foundation pcvmfaz
Friends of the Library, Montgomery County FOLMC
Avalon Family Charities avalonfamily
Catalpa Early Childhood Center nwecc
Belview Booster Club belviewbc
Joy Lutheran Church Memorial Garden joyluth
Historic Eagle Lodge Foundation eaglelodge
Burlingame Playground at Miller Park burlingamepoa
Mt. Pleasant Congregation at Darlington mpcdarlington
Forest Hill Elementary School - Retriever Terrace fhes
Murrow Indian Children's Home MICH
Wonewoc Spiritualist Camp wonewocsc
Mt. Moriah Missionary Baptist Church 3mbc
Guardian Angels Medical Service Dogs gamsd
The Nature Conservancy in Alabama TNCAlabama
Camp Cherith Alumni campcherith
Country Hills Animal Clinic chac
ST PAUL CME stpaulcme
First Presbyterian Church of Kalamazoo fpckzoo
St. Stephen Baptist Church ssbcmd
Community Church of Keyport cckbrick
Monterey High School montereyhs
Polish American Veterans PAV
Ravenwood High School Band Boosters ravenwoodband
Frederick Douglass Alumni Association fdaa
The Cradle Museum/Daughters of the Republic of Texas thecradledrt
Coulwood Hills Community coulwoodhc
Arizona Deer Association - Benders Pond azdeer
Westmoreland Country Club Pool wcc
VFW Post 966 VFWPost966
Hilltop Christian Camp hilltopcc
Cannon History Center and Museum cbhcm
Sacred Heart Church shcla
Eden Christian Academy edenca
Sigma Chi - Alpha Chapter SigmaChiAC
Fayetteville Masonic Center FayettevilleMasonic
Yonderland Apostolate, Inc. YAInc
Old 30 Community Garden Old30CG
Galt Police Officers Association galtpoa
Black Canyon Historical Society bchs
Baton Rouge African American Museum BRAAM
City of Park Falls parkfalls
White Mountain Victory Village wmvv
Windsong Ranch Elementary PTO wrepto
FCI Sandstone fcisandstone
Downers Grove Moose Lodge 1535 dgmoose1535
A.C. Steere Heritage Foundation acshf
Santa Barbara City College Baseball SBCC
First African Methodist Epsicopal Zion Church firstamezchurch
City of Mayfield Heights mayfieldheights
Harris Memorial Garden Cemetery hmgc
Botany Belles and Beaus Garden Club bbbgardenclub
Suring Public School District suringpsd
Stephen T. Badin High School badinhs
Elevate Plaza elevate
Rotary Club of Cleveland rcoc
St Anthony's Catholic Church, Upland CA stanthonyupland
Sigma Phi Epsilon Alumni Volunteer Corporation spealumni
Ranger College Foundation rangercollege
Whitesburg First Baptist Church Whitesburgfbc
Pershing High School Alumni Association pershinghsaa
The Borough of West Long Branch westlongbranch
St. Teresa Episcopal Church stteresasacworth
Mt. Olive Missionary Baptist Church MOMBCGA
Antioch Rosenwald School and Museum Restoration antiochrsm
Chetek Sports Complex at Gotham Park cityofchetek
Tukwila Historical Society tukwila
Quilts4Vets Quilts4Vets
Ascension Lutheran Church ascensionel
Bentley Community Schools bentleyschools
Rawhide Mobile Home Park rawhidemhp
Flight Deck @ Kaposia Paver Patio flightdeck
Spanish Peaks Regional Health Center - % Memorial Garden Committee spanishprhc
Redan High School Baseball Alumni Association RHSBAA
Oswego East High School oehs
Hopkins Hill Elementary School PTO hhepto
William Holland Retreat WHRetreat
Jenna Follett Eagle Scout project MHSCourtyard
Arroyo Vista Estates HOA AVEHOA
New Liberty FWB church newlibertyfwb
Chaffee Chaffee Elementary PTA chaffeepta
Grand Army of the Republc Memorial Hall and Museum garmi
Friends of Maranatha Living Pathway campmaranatha
Catsnip Etc. catsnipetc
Imani Christian Academy imani
Scott Lake Elementary PTO scottlake
Republican Party of Kenosha County rpkc
Unity of Santa Barbara unitysb
City of Rock Valley rockvalley
Westwood Charter Elementary wwc
Kitty Cottage Adoption Center, Inc. kittycottagepa
Verona Community Garden veronagarden
Veterans Memorial Park Barnwell, SC vmpbarnwell
Good Hope Together, Inc. ghtogether
Laurel Beach Association LBACT
Village of Baltimore baltimoreoh
Elk Grove Lodge No. 173, F&AM eg173
Hudson VFW Post 2115 - St. Croix County vfw2115
Huntington High School JROTC huntingtonhs
Yakama Valley Baptist Church yakamavbc
Pilgrim Rest Baptist Church of Conroe prbc
Saint Vincent DePaul Society of St Thomas the Apostle Conference svdp
Deepwood Foundation deepwoodfndn
Burger Boat Company burgerboat
Church of God and Saints of Christ, Joshua Generation COGSOCJoshuaGen
Morris Youth Association mya
Lakewood Yacht Club LYC
Habitat for Humanity of Glynn County hfhglynn
Trueline Brands trueline
American Legion: Stahl Post 30 alpost30
Amarillo Collegiate Academy acapto
Norris Public Schools norris160
American Legion Post 318 alpost318
Outer Banks Dare Challenge OBDC
Wicker Park Advisory Council wickerpark
Virginia Beach Jaycees VBJAYCEES
Bartlett ISD Junior Class bartlettisdjc
AUHS Athletics AUHS
Northwest Middle School NWMS
The Stickney House Foundation and The Bull Valley Garden Club SHFBULLVALLEY
Guilford Parks and Recreation Department - Bittner Park - Jacobs Beach guilfordparkrec
Gamma Phi Beta - Beta Chi AHC gammaphibeta
Midlothian High School Class of 2025 Project Graduation MIDLOTHIAN2025
Homeward Bound Animal Welfare Group HomewardBound
First Christian Church fccashland
Livermore Heritage Guild LHGCA
CaneRaisers EHHS
DDA Bring Back the Beach BBTB
Ashmore Estates ashmoreestates
Valley View Elementary PTC VALLEYVIEWPTC
Garden City Community College GCCCKS
New Life Church Rocky Mount NEWLIFERM
MorningStar Senior Living Community at Ridgegate MORNINGSTARSL
VFW Post 1241 VFWPOST1241
Sims Chapel Baptist Church SimsChapel
Historic Old Town Community Foundation HOTCF
Karl Oskar House karloskar
Parkview Huntington Family YMCA PHFYMCA