Donate to a Good Cause with Personalized Bricks
That's My Brick® has worked with many organizations in all 50 states to use personalized bricks to raise funds for their cause. Whether you are looking to give back to the community or donate to a worthy cause, personalized bricks are an excellent way to contribute.
Your contribution to a brick donation fundraiser can benefit many types of organizations such as schools, churches, veteran groups, social organizations, relief organizations, medical foundations, local government projects, hospitals, clinics, and countless other sorts of groups that are raising funds for their great causes. Not only are personalized brick fundraisers a simple and successful method of raising funds, but they will also create beautiful projects such as new brick sidewalks, patios, plazas, or walls. Donors will have the satisfaction of making the fundraiser a success and receive everlasting appreciation from the organization by having their names memorialized in each engraved brick.
That's My Brick® appreciates your contribution to a good cause through the purchase of memorial bricks. The following is a list of organizations for which we have created Secure Donor Sites. We invite you to browse through the list to find a cause to which you'd like to contribute. If you do not see the organization that you wish to donate to in the list below, please ask that organization to contact us by filling out the contact form in our contact page, calling us at 877-271-0217 or by clicking the live chat button. We are open from 8:00 AM to 4:00 PM Cental Monday - Friday.
If you are interested in starting your own personalized brick fundraiser with That's My Brick®, you can request a free information pack at or call us at 877-271-0217. We can also send you a free sample brick for you to evaluate.
Donor Sites
Group Name | Donor Site Link |
Bellevue College Foundation | bellevuecollege |
Bloom Our Youth, Inc. | safekidsga |
Kennesaw Charter Science and Math Academy | kennesawcharteracademyga |
Tree House Child & Family Center | wcac |
Piney Grove Baptist Church | pineygrovenc |
Sedan, Kansas - Yellow Brick Road | sedanksybr |
Springhill CME Church | springhill |
Olympia South PTO | osplayground |
HHS Youth Leadership Club | hwcgardenny |
Allegro Performing Arts Academy | allegrodance |
Lakeside UMC | thelakesideumc |
Don Diego Scholarship Foundation | dondiegoscholarship |
Mills Park Middle School-Grow Club | mpmsgrowclub |
Lake Burton Park | lakeburtonpark |
FeedNC | feednc |
Child's Remembrance Garden | luvacf |
Veteran's Victory Alliance | vvahonorgarden |
Cape Charles Rosenwald School Restoration Initiative | ccrosenwald |
Holly Springs Veterans Park | eaglescoutdg |
Newnan-Coweta Humane Society | nchs |
La Tercera Elementary Boosters PTA | ltpta |
Agape Center NRV | agape |
Mt. Pilgrim Missionary Baptist Church | mpbc |
Bellevue Dance Academy | bellevuedance |
Lyle Jackson Memorial Garden | northglennheights |
Huntoon-VanRensalier Underground Railroad Monument | hvugrr |
St. John's Childhood Center | stjohnscc |
Clyde Shepherd Nature Preserve | csnpbrick |
St Rose of Lima Catholic Community | stroselima |
Seeds of Hope - Memorial Gardens | seedsofhopeny |
Rockwell City Chamber | rockwellcity |
The Oaks Tiny Tigers Preschool | oakstinytigers |
Pulaski Heights Baptist Church | phbclr |
Jackson Woods Presbyterian Church | jwpc |
Hartley Botanica | hartleybotanica |
Watertown American Little League | watertownall |
The Arc GHV NY | thearcghvny |
Falls Lake Academy Bricks | fallslakeacademy |
Ivy Hill Therapeutic Equestrian Center | ivyhillequestrian |
Eagle Scout Project | eaglepwsoccer |
Magnolia West HS Baseball Booster Club | magnoliawestbb |
Chapin High School - Veterans Memorial | chapinhsvets |
Angel In the Graveyard | angelinthegraveyard |
St Luke Baptist Church | stlukebaptistfl |
LA County Sheriff's Dept | eastlosunited |
North Pasadena Business Association | npba |
St James Day School | stjamesdayschool |
Duncansville VFW Post 8724 | vfw8724 |
Summerfield Crossings Elementary School | summerfieldelemfl |
United Methodist Church of Mt Kisco | mountkiscochurch |
Lakeland Park-Gazebo Area | lakelandpark |
The Verdi History Center | verdihistory |
St Benedict School - Fr. Lemke Playground | lemkeplayground |
Nature Explore Outdoor Classroom | natureexplore |
Methow Valley Memory & Community Garden | mvmg |
Oakwood Heights Community Church | myohcc |
Girl Scouts of the Desert Southwest Troop 68285 | gstroop68285 |
First United Methodist Church of West Chicago | heritagebell |
Garrett College Baseball | gcbaseball |
Pathways of Hope | pathwaysofhope |
Stacyville Veterans Memorial | stacyvillevets |
NATASHA House, Inc. | natashahouse |
Miss Helen's Private School | misshelens |
White Oak Elementary School | woodz |
Cambridge Springs High School Marching Band | csmbpa |
Princeton Junior School | pjssportscourt |
Spartans PTSO | spartansptso |
Glen Loch PTO | glenlochpto |
Palm Coast Elks | elks2709 |
EQUI-KIDS | equikids |
Hatikvah Charter School | hatikvahcharternj |
Sarah' Oasis for Women | sarahsoasis |
Eau Claire Nationals Little League | eauclairenll |
Family Crisis Center | fcctx |
Memorial Parkway Elementary | memorialpkwyelem |
Gerald Ford Garden Club | geraldfordgc |
Lincoln Memorial HS Alumni Legacy Walk | lmhsalw |
SERVE Inc. | serveinc |
Greenbrier West High School | greenbrierwhs |
Pave The Way Veterans Group | veteransgroup |
Orange High School PTSO | ohsptso |
Keyport Food Pantry | keyportfoodpantry |
Raise the Woof-Fetch Inc | raisethewoof |
FOP 89 Heroes Walk | fop89 |
Amy Beverland Elementary- ABE 25 Year Celebration | abe25 |
Tomball Little League | tomball |
Countryside Baptist Church | csbc |
South Fork School & Community Foundation | southfork |
Maryknoll Sisters | mks |
Davis Magnet School-Learning Garden | davismagnet |
Swanwick Bethel Cemetery | sbcil |
B. Diane McDaniel Park | bdmp |
Corinth Missionary Baptist Church - Walkway | corinthbaptist |
Girl Scout Troop 311 | troop311flagpole |
The Goathouse Refuge | goathouserefuge |
Boys & Girls Clubs of the Colorado River | clubriver |
CHI Health St. Mary's | smch |
Petersburg Humane Association | pha |
Museum of Veterans & Military History | mvmh |
Service Dogs by Warren Retrievers | sdwr |
Bayside Centennial 2015 | baysidecentennial |
Sigma Tau Gamma Project 711 | stg711 |
Suffolk Lodge 60 | suffolk60 |
Calhoun County Humane Society | saveourtailstx |
Evergreen Pet Cemetery | evergreenpc |
Special Needs School of Gwinnett | snsofgwinnett |
Glad Tidings Community Development Corporation | gladtidings |
Woodland High School | whswa |
Saline PTCO | salineptco |
Haskell Alumni Association of Lawrence, KS | haks |
Wood Gormley Elementary | panthers |
Allen University Alumni Association | gaaau |
Putnam Valley Boosters | putnamvb |
Crown Point Country Historical Society | cpchs |
Sunnyside Elementary PTO | sunnysideelementary |
Wilmington HS Athletic Boosters | wildcatil |
Animal Welfare Friends | awfia |
Farmville Volunteer Fire Department Auxiliary | farmvillefire |
Patuxent HS Athletics | patuxent |
Marlboro OFWB Church | mofwbc |
TerraNichol Academy of the Arts | terranichol |
ANIBIC | anibic |
Ford Yacht Club | fordyachtclub |
Susan B. Anthony Birthplace Museum | susanbanthony |
The Classical Academy | tcaco |
Danny Law Troop Deven 50 Eagle Project | dannylaw |
Seminole Elementary School | sesfl |
East Lynn Church of God | elcog |
New Bethel AME Zion Church | newbethel |
Congregational Church of Gafton, MA- Memorial Bricks | uccgrafton |
First Missionary Baptist Church | fmbc |
Sabine Elementary | sabinetx |
Nor-Gwyn Baseball & Softball | ngsnackstand |
Woodstock Harley-Davidson Veterans Memorial | woodstockhdvmfund |
Fab Lab Tulsa | fablab |
Wallace Elementary/ Middle School | wems |
Haddon Heights Baseball | haddonheights |
Washington Elementary School | wesnj |
Christ Academy Tribute Art Garden | christacademytx |
Royse City Calaboose Restoration - Royse City Chamber of Commerce | roysecitycalaboose |
Fairmount Elementary Garden Club | fairmountco |
Durham Farms Dog Park | dfbarkpark |
Siskin Hospital for Physical Rehabilitation | siskin |
Town Square | townsquare |
Union Campground | unioncampground |
St Stephen Congregation | ststephenwi |
Saluda County School District Foundation | saludacsdef |
Bellerose Village Centennial | BelleroseVillage |
Jacobs Aquatic Center | jacfl |
Hopatcong Hawks Soccer Club | hhsc |
Trinity Bible College | tbcnd |
St. Peter Missionary Baptist Church | stpeterfl |
Castle Soccer | castlesoccerin |
The Church of the Incarnation | cotinm |
Our Lady of Fatima Parish School | olfca |
Battle Mountain HS Booster Club | bmhsnv |
Spring Creek Elementary PTA | springcreek |
Greenfield Elementary School - | greenfieldwi |
Beth & Kevin | bethandkevin |
Sylvan Hills Middle School | shmsga |
Greater Bethel Apostolic Church Choir | gbacoh |
Mother Teresa of Calcutta Catholic School | mtcfl |
Farquhar Middle School | farquhar |
Trinity Lutheran School | trinitylsil |
Rockstar Rescue | rockstarrescueaz |
D.A.V. Chapter 12 | davchapter12mi |
Vanguard Landing | vlva |
CLFIRES | clfires |
Mattituck-Cutchogue Athletic Booster Club | Mattituck |
St Mark Orthodox Church | stmarkorthodox |
Bishop Gadsden Episcopal Retirement Community | bishopgadsden |
Cinnaminson Township | cinnaminsonnj |
Denver Christian Academy Inaugural Scholarship Campaign | dcanc |
Zion Baptist Church Marietta | zbcga |
Our Lady of Soledad Catholic Church | oloscc |
Landstown Middle School | landstownmsva |
Post 7318 Auxiliary | la7318nc |
GFWC Inverness Woman | gfwcinverness |
Spanish Peaks Arts Council | spaceco |
LEVEL 5 Design Group | theLOTdowntown |
Habitat for Humanity of Gibson County | hhgcin |
Holistic Center for Education | graceholistic |
Dallas Eagle | dallaseagletx |
Lewiston Sportsmen's Club | lscmn |
Glenhaven, Inc. | glenhavenincwi |
Speech & Language Development Center | sldcca |
St. Peters School | stpetersny |
Pi Beta Phi Sorority | pibetaphior |
Rippling Waters Campground | ripplingwaters |
IW (Iroquois West) Booster Club | iwboosterclubil |
Olive Hill Historical Society | ohhsky |
Legacy Preparatory Christian Academy | lpcatx |
Orange High School PTSA | orangehsca |
Rock Ridge Athletic Boosters | rockridgeabcva |
Outdoor classroom at Sanddown North | sandownnorth |
Antioch Baptist Church | antiochrome |
Chesterfield County Animal Services | ccanimalservicessc |
Freedom Gates Boys Ranch | freedomgatesbr |
Renee's School of Careers | reneesschool |
Splendora Junior High PTO | sjhpto |
Legacy Traditional School | legacytraditionaz |
Plymouth Historical Museum | pchmia |
LA Sheriff Station | lennoxstation |
Safety Harbor Chamber of Commerce | shccfl |
Kimball Volunteer Fire Department | kimballfire |
Camargo Hunt | camargohunt |
Splash Pad Project for Village of Woodville | woodvillesplash |
St. George Cathedral | stgeorgeoh |
Fernwood Montessori | fernwoodwi |
Queen of Peace Catholic School | queenofpeaceor |
St. Joseph's Monastery Parish | sjmpmd |
First Presbyterian Church | fpcmcminnville |
Original League, Inc. | originalleagueinc |
BJARCA Reflection Garden | bjarca |
Surreywood Swim & Tennis Club | surreywood |
F.N. Brown Elementary | fnbrownelem |
Aspen Health & Rehab | middleriverhrc |
Wags to Whiskers of Texas | wagstowhiskerstx |
Hillsdale Presbyterian Church | hillsdaleks |
Elmore City Athletic Boosters Club | ecabc |
Mountain View Community Fellowship | mvcfid |
Kathlyn Joy Gilliam Museum | kathlynjoygilliammuseum |
Blue Star Mothers of America, Inc. NY#1 | bluestarmothersny1 |
Osage Forest of Peace | forestofpeace |
Parksley Veterans Memorial | parksleyvm |
The Lower Eastern Cherokee Nation Of SC | lecherokee |
United Pentecostal Church Family Life Center | flcla |
Templo Cristiano | templocristianowa |
Mustang Football | mustangfootball |
Mountain Shadows Montessori School | mountainsms |
Maysville Veterans Memorial | maysvillenc |
Kremlin-Hillsdale School | khaefok |
Ethical Humanist Society | ehsil |
VFW Post 9298 | vfw9298 |
Sierra View Elementary PTC | sierraviewelem |
Chaffee PTO | chaffeepto |
La Grange Public Library | lgplil |
Crawford Heights Community Playground | chcp |
WKES Project Pavilion | wkesri |
Camp Thurman | campthurman |
Edgebrook Care Center | edgebrookaux |
Sons of the American Legion | ehsons911 |
Rock Grove Baptist Church | rockgrovenc |
First Church in Belfast | firstchurchbelfast |
Peaster Elementary School | peasterelem |
Marysville Getchell Booster Club | mgbcwa |
The Paxton Grand Old Flag Project | paxtonflag |
Pioneer Sophomore Class | pioneersc |
Texana Center | texanacenter |
Assumption Greek Orthodox Church | agoc |
Charleston Collegiate School | ccsji |
Hydro and Aquatic Therapy Studio, INC. | hydroaquatic |
Park Moms Of Renville | parkmoms |
Odyssey Charter School PTO | odysseypto |
Boy Scouts of America | bsauribe |
Chiles Brick Campaign | chilesbrickcampaign |
Elmhurst Academy | elmhurstacademyil |
Bethesda Serenity Garden | bethesdatn |
White Sulphur Springs Ranch | WSSRca |
Mohansic PTA | mohansicpta |
Dr. Pablo Perez Elementary | perezelem |
New Trinity Community Church | newtrinityca |
Wisconsin River Trail Organization | wirivertrail |
Harbor Island Pavilion Project | harborisland |
Friends of Lapham Peak Park | laphampeak |
St. Louis Catholic Church | stlouiscatholic |
Inspiration Courtyard Pavers at Founders Cottage | inspirationcourtyard |
Marian Village Heritage Garden | marianvillage |
Simmons Middle School | simmonsms |
W.B. Saul Alumni | wbsaulalumni |
Clarence Park Memorial | clarenceparkmemorial |
Arvada Elks Lodge | arvadaelks |
The City of Avalon | avalonca |
New Life Christian Academy | nlcapto |
Black Hawk Walk | blackhawk |
Mount Pleasant Middle School | mtpleasantms |
Onahan Elementary | onahanelem |
Watt Family Park Fundraiser | wattfamilypark |
Faithland | faithland |
Pequea Elementary | pequeaelempa |
Knights of Columbus | knightsofcolumbus |
Herricks Athletic Boosters | herricksab |
Commerce High School | Commercehighschool |
McGinnis Woods | mcginniswoods |
Cathedral Parish School | cpsbricks |
New Egypt High School PTO | newegypths |
Sparta UMC Pathway to the Playground | spartaumcpathway |
Friends of Pahranagat Valley | fopvsplash |
New Masonic Memorial Project | newmasonic |
Friendsville Veteran's Memorial Fund | friendsville |
Compassionate Ministries Of Jackson County | compassionmin |
WOTM Chapter 456 | wotm456 |
SA Sports Boosters - The Nest | thenest |
Eau Claire Community Memorial Foundation | ecrodandgun |
Save the GW Depots | lovelandhist |
Silver Oak PTO | silveroakpto |
Triton Tile Fundraiser | tritonmuseum |
Lakewood Historical Society | lakewoodhist |
Our Lady's Memorial Garden | ourladys |
Pave the Path to Play | pavethepath |
Building Together | buildingtogether |
Costa Mesa High School | costamesahs |
Aecst 225th Anniversary Brick Project | aecst |
Woodstock Community Village | wscv |
The Bayshore School | bayshore |
City of Wells Downtown Revitalization Project | wellscity |
Hingham Girl Scouts | hingham |
The Rotary Foundation Centennial Project | southkitsap |
Warrior Retreat at Bull Run | sowwva |
Redeeming Joy's Path to Healing | redeemingjoy |
Station Camp Bison Soccer | bisonsoccer |
American Cancer Society Hope Lodge Marshfield | hopelodge |
Indianhead Shelter Project | indianhead |
Batiquitos Lagoon Foundation | batiquitoslagoon |
God's Pathway The Church of Messiah | godspathway |
Woman 2 Woman | woman2woman |
Guyton-Callahan Post 152 | guyton |
Willows Intermediate School | willows |
Sakamoto Modernization Memorial | sakamoto |
Brooklyn Playground Campaign | brooklyn |
Friends of the EBA | foeba |
Sunrise Mountain Softball | sunrisems |
A. Philip Randolph PTA | aprandolph |
Inner Me Studios | studios |
Athens-Limestone Public Library Foundation | alpl |
Ballard Alumni Association, Inc. | ballardalumni |
Life UPC | lifeupc |
Beard Elementary School | beard |
Daughters of the American Revolution | DAR |
Grace Lutheran Church | grace |
Grace House | gracehouse |
Healing Springs Farmacy | healing |
Beautiful Feral Felines | beautiful |
Friends of the Park Ramsey | ramseypark |
First Lutheran Church Steeple Memorial | firstlutheransteeple |
CornerStone Christian Academy | cornerstone |
LAMP High School | lamphs |
Mt. Olive Baptist Church | mtolive |
Center Street PTA | csspta |
Symons Recreation Complex Foundationx Foundation | symonsrec |
Chi Chi Rodriguez Youth Foundation, Inc. | chichi |
Collier Elementary School (PTA) | collierelem |
Perry Co. Animal Rescue | perryco |
Rodger Oestrich American Legion Post 343 Hancock-Coloma WI | rodgeroestrich343 |
Huntsville High School BPA | huntsvillehs |
Patriots Cove | patriotscove |
Harnett County Veterans Council | harnettco |
Dobson Academy | dobson |
Piedmont Baseball & Softball League | piedball |
Johansen Performing Arts Association | johansenpaa |
The 506th Airborne Infantry Regiment Association | 506airborne |
First Colonial High School Athletics | firstcolonial |
Disciples Women's Ministry | tbadwm |
Mt. Carmel Veterans Service Center | mtcvsc |
Mt. Carmel Health, Wellness & Community Center | mtchwcc |
Mead Outdoor Learning Center | meadolc |
Johnstown Historical Society | johnstown |
St. John the Apostle Church | johntheapostle |
Howell Cumberland Presbyterian Church | howellcpy |
Saint Paul School | spschool |
ABBAList | abbalist |
Ari's Place | arisplace |
Leland College Prep PTO | leland |
White County 4-H Goat Club | goatclub |
video_britt_too | |
LT Michael P. Murphy Navy SEAL Museum | mmurphy |
St. Stephen's Lutheran Church | stepluchurch |
St. Henry Catholic Church | sthen |
Patrick Stone Eagle Scout Project Fundraiser | pscout |
The Foundation for Promoting Arts Ed-The Fellow Brick Road | fellowbrickroadca |
Port Tobacco Players | porcopl |
North Arlington Little League | nall |
Yucaipa Animal Placement | yaps |
Selma Bartlett PTO | selmabartlett |
The Addictions Care Center Of Albany | theacca |
Garden City Memorial Fund | gardencity |
Wyndham Bonnet Creek | wyndhambonnetcreek |
St. Mary's School | stmarysschooloh |
Indian Hills PTO | indills |
Mt. Sterling Veterans' Monument Project | mtsteral |
Founders Academy of Las Vegas | falv |
Downtown Dog Park | dogpark |
PHS Titans Boosters | phstitans |
Davis Blue Devils Athletic Boosters | bluedevils |
Walkers Ridge HOA | genesis |
Panther Valley Elementary School | coolcats |
St. Paul Lutheran Pre-School | stpreschool |
Saline High School | salinehs |
Southpaw Dog Park | southpawdp |
Tilton Police Department | tiltonpd |
Ivy League Montessori School (PTO) | ilms |
South Dakota Air & Space Foundation | sdasm |
Skybrook Golf Club - Bailey Memorial | skybrook |
Timber Lake Playhouse | tlplayhouse |
JCC of the Lehigh Valley | lvjcc |
St. Pius V School | stpiusv |
Navarino Nature Center, Inc. | navarinonc |
Operation Phantom Support | operationps |
RCSO - Jackson Charter School | RCSO |
Camp Ramah in Wisconsin | campramahwi |
Sonoma Dog Park Association, Inc. | sdogpark |
Hasbrouck Heights Swim Club | hasbrohsc |
The Mallory Country Club | mallorycc |
Capital City Post 8787, VFW | capitalcp |
The Arc of Central Virginia | arcofcva |
Allen Chapel AME Church | allencamec |
Abbeville County Animal Shelter | abbevillecas |
Enka Youth Sports Organization | enkayso |
Redding Tai Chi Meditation Garden | taichimg |
Willard Clock Tower Committee | willardctc |
Zion Episcopal Church | zionecny |
Inspiring Hope Ranch, Inc | inspiringhr |
City of Auburn | auburnc |
Richmond Area Skateboard Allience | rasa |
Oakwood Adventist Academy Alumni Association | oaaalumni |
Sean Hamilton Eagle Scout/Our Lady of Lourdes | seanhes |
Coastal Carolinas Association of Realtors | ccarsc |
C 60 Inc. | c60inc |
First Holy Ghost Church of God In Christ | 1holyghostgc |
West Of The Pecos Museum | pecoswm |
Orchard Heights PTSO | orchardhptso |
Hillcrest High School | hillcresths |
Cedar Springs Veterans Tribute | cedarsvt |
Huntsville High Softball Booster Club | huntsvillesoftball |
Phillips County Health Systems | phillipschs |
Montebello High School Alumni Association | mhsaa |
South Caldwell Lady Spartan Softball | caldwellsoftball |
Ocean Hills Country Club HOA | oceanhoa |
Crusaders for Veterans Inc | crusadersvinc |
Hudson Soccer Association | hudsonsa |
West Hempstead School District | whempstead |
Trinity United Methodist Church | trinityunitedva |
The King's Academy | kingsaga |
Sauvie Island School | sauvieis |
Ithaca School | ithacawi |
Alpha Kappa Lambda Fraternity | alphakappalf |
First Baptist Church | fbcnewport |
Resurrection Academy | racademy |
Oldham County American Red Cross | ocarc |
Oshkosh Water Tower | oshkoshwt |
Walden United Methodist Church | waldenumc |
Castor High School Sr. Beta Club | chsbeta |
Veterans Liberty Memorial PARK Of South East Louisiana | veteranslibertymp |
McLean High School | mcleanhs |
Southwestern Christian College Beautification Program | southwestern |
Canon Christian Academy | canonca |
Crestview Elementary PTA | crestviewepta |
Cedar Grove Ruritan Club | cedargroveruritan |
ILTexas Garland High School SPTO | iltexasghspto |
D'Evelyn Education Foundation | Develyn |
Fredonia Baptist Church | fredoniabctn |
Arkansas School for Mathematics, Sciences, and the Arts | asmsa |
Under the Stars Farm | underthestarsfarm |
Ft Lauderdale Multicultural Church | ftlchurch |
The Finish Line Club | finishline |
Community Health Services Foundation, Inc | chscwi |
Word of Faith Ministries | wofm |
Center Grove United Methodist Church | cgumc |
Stevenson Elementary | stevensones |
Marylhurst School | marylhurstor |
Toano Middle School PTSA | toanoptsa |
Due West United Methodist Church | duewestchurch |
Marlboro Iron Dukes Baseball | irondukes |
Rosemount High School Baseball Booster Club | rosemounths |
Sisters Outlaws Softball/Baseball Hitting Facility Fund | sistersoutlaw |
Brian Eldredge Memorial Skate Park | bememorial |
Essex North Shore Agricultural & Technical School | essexaggieaa |
Round Lake Beach Police Foundation | rlbpolice |
Mississippi Spay and Neuter | msspan |
Tarver Rendon Elementary School PTA | tarverrendonpta |
Peyton Wood Eagle Scout Project | peytonesp |
Reclaimig the Legacy ( Class of 1969 ) | rtl1969 |
Desert Christian Schools | desertcs |
Weyauwega Area Historical Society | weyauwega |
Crescent Shrine | crescentsnj |
Burning Bush Original Church of God | burningbush |
First Christian Church | fccottawa |
Rustburg High School Legacy Garden | rhslegacygarden |
Mount Horeb Volunteers, Inc | mounthorebwi |
North Penn Post 676 VFW | northpennvfw |
American Legion Post 781 | alpost781 |
Roberta's House | robertashouse |
Cadiz Methodist Church | cadizmethodist |
Alpha Rho House Corporation of Kappa Delta | alpharho |
Arkansas National Guard Museum | arngmuseum |
St. Brendan the Navigator Catholic Church | stbrendansatl |
Veterans National Memorial Shrine and Museum | vnmsm |
Monroe County Friends of Animals | MCFA |
Lake Forest Senior Community | lakeforestsc |
Save the Bells | savethebells |
Level Green United Methodist Church | levelgreenumc |
Dogs Deserve Better | ddb |
Amboy Depot Museum | amboydepotmuseum |
The Richards Library | richardslibrary |
Hagans Christian Church | haganschristianchurch |
Danvers Masonic Temple Association | dmta |
Milton Animal League | miltonal |
BMH-BJ Congregation | bmhbj |
Elgin Mental Health Center | elginmhc |
Grace United Methodist Church | graceumcky |
Yucaipa Community Foundation | ycfca |
Tri-County Baptist Youth Camp | tricountybaptist |
First General Baptist Church | fgbchurch |
Zion Baptist Church | ziondc |
USC Lancaster | usclancaster |
Highland Lakes Master Gardeners Association | hlgardners |
Hartsel Fire Protection District | hartselfire |
Hands On Oregon | handsonoregon |
Longmont High School | lhsco |
Lake Crystal Dog Park | lakecrystaldp |
Olive Branch Community Church | obcchurch |
VFW 8541 | vfw8541 |
Our Lady of Fatima Parish | ourladynj |
Pinelands Regional HS- Class of 2027 | prhs |
Olney Hamilton Hospital Auxiliary | ohhatx |
Hollybrook Brick Memory Garden | hollybrookfl |
Brandon Assembly #23 of Florida Rainbow Girls | ba23fl |
Girl Scout Troop / Mosser Elementary | gsmos |
Sierra Mono Museum & Cultural Center | sierramonomuseum |
Hagood Mill Foundation | hagoodmf |
Prairie du Chien Memorial Library | pdclibrary |
Alexander Leigh Center for Autism | alcacenter |
NJY Camps | njycamps |
Chinle Planting Hope | cph |
Camp Ramah in the Rockies | ramahintherockies |
Mr Jaybo | mrjaybo |
The Foundry Ministries | foundryministries |
Maydell Jenks Elementary | mjetx |
Theta Xi | thetaxiil |
Camp Moshava Wild Rose | moshavawildrose |
Bobby Jones Golf Course Foundation | bobbyjones |
First United Methodist Church of San Fernando | sanfernandochurch |
Kanawha State Forest Foundation | ksff |
St. John's Lutheran Church | stjohnsfc |
Cocoa Elks lodge #1532 | cocoaelks1532 |
Middlesex County Museum & Historical Society, Inc. | middlesexmuseum |
South China Public LIbrary | southchinalibrary |
Lewisboro Town Park Playground Improvement Corp. | lewisboroplay |
Montgomery Area Food Bank, Inc. | montgomeryareafoodbank |
Greenbrier Baseball | greenbrierbaseball |
Montclair History Center | montclairhistory |
Trinity Justice F & AM No. 79 | trinityjustice |
Loara Baseball Club | loarabb |
St. Joan of Arc Parish | sjalisle |
Tabb Tiger Band Parents | thsband |
Victory Alumni Association | victoryaa |
Beckwith Hills Christian Reformed Church | beckwithhillscrc |
Schenectady JCC | schenectadyjcc |
Galveston Sculpture | galvestonsculpture |
Zayvier's Chicken Chase | zayvierschase |
Franklin D. Roosevelt Alumni Association | fdralumni |
Black Wall Street Memorial | blackwallst |
St. Mark AME Zion Church Middle Street 100th Anniversary | stmarkamezion |
New Hartford Central School District Foundation | newhartfordschools |
West Aurora Blackhawk Sports Boosters | blackhawkboosters |
Stockport Heritage Society | stockporthsia |
Bethlehem Baptist Church Brick Pavers Fundraiser | BBCGA |
Cats Cradle Foundation, Inc | catscradlefnd |
Darien Veterans of Foreign Wars Post 6933 | darienvfw |
Salida Dog Club | salidadogclub |
Brookwood High School PTSA | brookwoodhs |
Summit Academy High School | summitacademyhs |
Friends of Arapaho Park | arapahopark |
Black History Museum of Warren County | bhmwc |
Houses For Warriors, Inc. | housesforwarriors |
American Legion Rusy-Bohm Post 411 | alrbpost411 |
Columbia County Animal Protection (CCAPS) | ccaps |
Pawnee Indian Sports Boosters | pawneesports |
Police Athletic League of Jacksonville, inc | jaxpal |
City of Longmont | longmont |
Harbor Hope Center | harborhope |
Brainerd Lodge #736 | brainerd736 |
St. James Missionary Baptist Church | stjamesmbc |
Indian Springs Camp - Hogs & Strings | hogsandstrings |
The Peale | thepeale |
Friends of Jackson County Conservation | friendsofjcc |
Humble Museum | humble |
West Valley Slammers | wvslammers |
Faith Temple Church | faithtemplejasper |
Belmar Elementary PTO | belmarpto |
Catholic Daughters | catholicdaughters |
Cheverly American Legion Post #108 | cheverlyamericanlegion |
Old Friends, Inc. | oldfriendsinc |
Oakland United Methodist Church | oaklandumc |
Christ The King Trust and Endowment | ctkte |
Barnstead Police Department | barnsteadpd |
Marquez Heritage society | marquezhs |
FCI Estill Employees Club | fciestill |
Zion Athletic Field | zionathletic |
Person High School Baseball | personhs |
Court Street School Education Community Center | cssecc |
Gordon Jewish Community Center | gordonjcc |
Pronto of Long Island, Inc. | prontoli |
Christ Community Lutheran School | ccls |
Millburn Cemetery | millburncemetery |
Home of Refuge Outreach Inc | horoinc |
Appalachian Agency for Senior Citizens | aasc |
Will Bright Foundation | willbright |
Shangri La Ranch | shangrilaranch |
Friends of the Army Women's Museum | armywmnsva |
Illini Dads Association | illinidads |
The Salvation Army - Crestmont College | salvationarmycc |
Bixby Historical Society | bixbyhs |
Magee Elementary School PTO | mageepto |
Triple Gs LLC | triplegggs |
Deerifeld NH Historical Society | dhs |
Sacramento Valley Museum | svm |
Portland Recovery Community Center | prcc |
American Legion Unit 75 | alaunit75 |
Venice Challenger Baseball | venicecb |
Minister Franklin D. Florence Civil Rights Heritage Park | civilrightshp |
PHS Panther Booster Club | phspanther |
First Presbyterian Church of Byron | fbcbyron |
Prairieview Elementary PTO | prairieview |
River City Community Development Center | rcitycdc |
Shiloh Baptist Church | shilohbaptist |
ACE at Hermitage | acehermitage |
Antelope Valley Church of God in Christ | avcogic |
Barnesville Downtown Development Association | barnesvilledda |
Boys and Girls Club of Elko | bgcelko |
North Greece Fire Department | northgreecefd |
Mountview Property Owners Assoc. | mtvpoa |
Freedom Farm for Vets | freedomfarm |
St. Marks Lutheran Church | stmarkslc |
Atlanta Dance Theatre | atlantadance |
West Lake Preparatory Academy | wlakeprep |
Veterans Monument & Memorial | holbrookvil |
Stepping Stones TOO | steppingstones |
Mary's Grotto Committee | marysgrotto |
Sandyston Recreation Committee | sandystonrec |
Harmony Hills Cabana Club | hhcc |
St. Francis of Assisi Shrine | sfamtkisco |
One Art Community Center | oneartcc |
St. Charles Borromeo Catholic Church | stcharlesoakes |
Lydia Circle, Monthalia Methodist Church | lydiacircle |
Newton Township Historical Society | NTHS |
Friends of Lapham Peak | flp |
Land O Lakes Community Playground Inc Public Art Committee | LOLCommPlay |
Cahaba Homestead Heritage Foundation Inc | chhf |
Stephens Memorial Hospital | smh |
Genesis Prep Academy | genesisprep |
Wakulla County Memorial VFW - Post 4538 | WCMVFW4538 |
South Park Schools Foundation | spsf |
Appalachian Veterans Memorial Park, Inc. | avmp |
The Candied Yam, LLC | candiedyam |
VFW Atterbury Post 3420 | vfw3420 |
Camp Horseshoe Foundation | camphorseshoe |
Snellville Veterans Memorial Freedom Flame | snellville |
Wheaton Parks Commission | wheatonparks |
Friends of the Fayetteville City Cemetery | FHFCC |
KMF Social Enterprises - Keep Moving Forward | kmf |
Red Oak Community for Continued Growth | redoak |
Friends of the Wells/Robertson House | friendsofwrhouse |
Brady's Bridge, Inc. | BradysBridge |
Peachtree City Masonic Center | pcmc |
Town of Rib Mountain | ribmtn |
Athol Baptist Church | atholbc |
Paducah McCracken County Senior Center | pmcsc |
Illinois Beta of Sigma Alpha Epsilon Fraternity | ILBE |
Vita Nova Village | vitanova |
Eden Animal Haven | edenah |
Pinal County Veterans Memorial Foundation | pcvmfaz |
Friends of the Library, Montgomery County | FOLMC |
Avalon Family Charities | avalonfamily |
Catalpa Early Childhood Center | nwecc |
Belview Booster Club | belviewbc |
Joy Lutheran Church Memorial Garden | joyluth |
Historic Eagle Lodge Foundation | eaglelodge |
Burlingame Playground at Miller Park | burlingamepoa |
Mt. Pleasant Congregation at Darlington | mpcdarlington |
Forest Hill Elementary School - Retriever Terrace | fhes |
Murrow Indian Children's Home | MICH |
Wonewoc Spiritualist Camp | wonewocsc |
Mt. Moriah Missionary Baptist Church | 3mbc |
Guardian Angels Medical Service Dogs | gamsd |
The Nature Conservancy in Alabama | TNCAlabama |
Camp Cherith Alumni | campcherith |
Country Hills Animal Clinic | chac |
ST PAUL CME | stpaulcme |
First Presbyterian Church of Kalamazoo | fpckzoo |
St. Stephen Baptist Church | ssbcmd |
Community Church of Keyport | cckbrick |
Monterey High School | montereyhs |
Polish American Veterans | PAV |
Ravenwood High School Band Boosters | ravenwoodband |
Frederick Douglass Alumni Association | fdaa |
The Cradle Museum/Daughters of the Republic of Texas | thecradledrt |
Coulwood Hills Community | coulwoodhc |
Arizona Deer Association - Benders Pond | azdeer |
Westmoreland Country Club Pool | wcc |
VFW Post 966 | VFWPost966 |
Hilltop Christian Camp | hilltopcc |
Cannon History Center and Museum | cbhcm |
Sacred Heart Church | shcla |
Eden Christian Academy | edenca |
Sigma Chi - Alpha Chapter | SigmaChiAC |
Fayetteville Masonic Center | FayettevilleMasonic |
Yonderland Apostolate, Inc. | YAInc |
Old 30 Community Garden | Old30CG |
Galt Police Officers Association | galtpoa |
Black Canyon Historical Society | bchs |
Baton Rouge African American Museum | BRAAM |
City of Park Falls | parkfalls |
White Mountain Victory Village | wmvv |
Windsong Ranch Elementary PTO | wrepto |
FCI Sandstone | fcisandstone |
Downers Grove Moose Lodge 1535 | dgmoose1535 |
A.C. Steere Heritage Foundation | acshf |
Santa Barbara City College Baseball | SBCC |
First African Methodist Epsicopal Zion Church | firstamezchurch |
City of Mayfield Heights | mayfieldheights |
Harris Memorial Garden Cemetery | hmgc |
Botany Belles and Beaus Garden Club | bbbgardenclub |
Suring Public School District | suringpsd |
Stephen T. Badin High School | badinhs |
Elevate Plaza | elevate |
Rotary Club of Cleveland | rcoc |
St Anthony's Catholic Church, Upland CA | stanthonyupland |
Sigma Phi Epsilon Alumni Volunteer Corporation | spealumni |
Ranger College Foundation | rangercollege |
Whitesburg First Baptist Church | Whitesburgfbc |
Pershing High School Alumni Association | pershinghsaa |
The Borough of West Long Branch | westlongbranch |
St. Teresa Episcopal Church | stteresasacworth |
Mt. Olive Missionary Baptist Church | MOMBCGA |
Antioch Rosenwald School and Museum Restoration | antiochrsm |
Chetek Sports Complex at Gotham Park | cityofchetek |
Tukwila Historical Society | tukwila |
Quilts4Vets | Quilts4Vets |
Ascension Lutheran Church | ascensionel |
Bentley Community Schools | bentleyschools |
Rawhide Mobile Home Park | rawhidemhp |
Flight Deck @ Kaposia Paver Patio | flightdeck |
Spanish Peaks Regional Health Center - % Memorial Garden Committee | spanishprhc |
Redan High School Baseball Alumni Association | RHSBAA |
Oswego East High School | oehs |
Hopkins Hill Elementary School PTO | hhepto |
William Holland Retreat | WHRetreat |
Jenna Follett Eagle Scout project | MHSCourtyard |
Arroyo Vista Estates HOA | AVEHOA |
New Liberty FWB church | newlibertyfwb |
Chaffee Chaffee Elementary PTA | chaffeepta |
Grand Army of the Republc Memorial Hall and Museum | garmi |
Friends of Maranatha Living Pathway | campmaranatha |
Catsnip Etc. | catsnipetc |
Imani Christian Academy | imani |
Scott Lake Elementary PTO | scottlake |
Republican Party of Kenosha County | rpkc |
Unity of Santa Barbara | unitysb |
City of Rock Valley | rockvalley |
Westwood Charter Elementary | wwc |
Kitty Cottage Adoption Center, Inc. | kittycottagepa |
Verona Community Garden | veronagarden |
Veterans Memorial Park Barnwell, SC | vmpbarnwell |
Good Hope Together, Inc. | ghtogether |
Laurel Beach Association | LBACT |
Village of Baltimore | baltimoreoh |
Elk Grove Lodge No. 173, F&AM | eg173 |
Hudson VFW Post 2115 - St. Croix County | vfw2115 |
Huntington High School JROTC | huntingtonhs |
Yakama Valley Baptist Church | yakamavbc |
Pilgrim Rest Baptist Church of Conroe | prbc |
Saint Vincent DePaul Society of St Thomas the Apostle Conference | svdp |
Deepwood Foundation | deepwoodfndn |
Burger Boat Company | burgerboat |
Church of God and Saints of Christ, Joshua Generation | COGSOCJoshuaGen |
Morris Youth Association | mya |
Lakewood Yacht Club | LYC |
Habitat for Humanity of Glynn County | hfhglynn |
Trueline Brands | trueline |
American Legion: Stahl Post 30 | alpost30 |
Amarillo Collegiate Academy | acapto |
Norris Public Schools | norris160 |
American Legion Post 318 | alpost318 |
Outer Banks Dare Challenge | OBDC |
Wicker Park Advisory Council | wickerpark |
Virginia Beach Jaycees | VBJAYCEES |
Bartlett ISD Junior Class | bartlettisdjc |
AUHS Athletics | AUHS |
Northwest Middle School | NWMS |
The Stickney House Foundation and The Bull Valley Garden Club | SHFBULLVALLEY |
Grand Oaks Farm | GRANDOAKSFARM |
Guilford Parks and Recreation Department - Bittner Park - Jacobs Beach | guilfordparkrec |
Gamma Phi Beta - Beta Chi AHC | gammaphibeta |
Midlothian High School Class of 2025 Project Graduation | MIDLOTHIAN2025 |
Homeward Bound Animal Welfare Group | HomewardBound |
First Christian Church | fccashland |
Livermore Heritage Guild | LHGCA |
CaneRaisers | EHHS |
DDA Bring Back the Beach | BBTB |
Ashmore Estates | ashmoreestates |
Valley View Elementary PTC | VALLEYVIEWPTC |
Garden City Community College | GCCCKS |
New Life Church Rocky Mount | NEWLIFERM |
MorningStar Senior Living Community at Ridgegate | MORNINGSTARSL |
VFW Post 1241 | VFWPOST1241 |
Sims Chapel Baptist Church | SimsChapel |
Historic Old Town Community Foundation | HOTCF |
Karl Oskar House | karloskar |
Kennedy School PAC | KENNEDYSPAC |
Parkview Huntington Family YMCA | PHFYMCA |