Replica Bricks
At That's My Brick!® we offer you all the tools to make your fundraiser the most successful campaign it can be.
For the same cost as bricks for installation, these Replica Bricks come with rubber feet on the bottom so that the donor can safely display them on a desk or table.
Not only will your supporters be able to own a little piece of the project, but it is a great way to increase sales for your fundraiser.
We suggest that Replica Bricks be priced at approximately half the price of your installed bricks.
Replica Bricks and Tiles cost you the same as regular donor bricks/tiles and count towards volume discounts. Replicas will be packed in an attractive single brick/tile shipping box.
Replica shipping is included in the price if the replicas are shipped to the fundraiser with the rest of your order. Replicas shipped directly to the donor will be charged $15.00 extra for shipping and handling.
Note: That Replica bricks and/or Tiles cannot be sold separately. These single engraved bricks must be purchased with a brick or tile that's going in the ground or on a wall.
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