Butterfly Garden Walkway

Be a Part of Lapham Peak.

A brick walkway in the Butterfly Garden is being planned by the Friends of Lapham Peak.

Be a part of this opportunity by personalizing a brick with your name, message or the memory of a loved one! All the bricks will be installed in our Butterfly Garden.

Donate a brick today and be a part of the Peak.

How to Order:

Just follow the simple step-by-step process below to place your order. Be sure you are happy with your brick design as it will look very similar to the image on your computer when completed.

**Add a Custom or Business Logo to your Brick**
Get your image APPROVED by That's My Brick!® before placing your order.
Please email design@thatsmybrick.com with:

1) Signed and completed copy of the Letter of Agreement attachment below
2) Black & White, High Resolution file of your Custom/Business Logo
3) Please notate that it is for laphampeak
4) That's My Brick will notify you if the logo has been approved
5) Pay $15.00 Setup Fee
6) Graphic will be made available on the Lapham Peak donor website for your order to be placed.

*Approval Process can take up to 2 weeks
Click Here for Letter of Agreement

** The Letter of Agreement is for legal Trademark purposes and is required before a custom image will be approved **

Payment Options:

Pay online with a major credit card (VISA/MC/AMEX/DISC).
Pay by check or money order.
Follow the on-screen directions during checkout.

If you have any questions, please contact
Becky Burton
at rebecca.burton@alverno.edu


Design and Personalize Your Brick