Building a Legacy One Brick at a Time
The First United Methodist Church of San Fernando and That's My Brick!® have joined forces to raise money for some much needed Church projects! We are very excited to offer you this opportunity to be a permanent part of our church and by donating a brick you can help provide some much needed tasks to benefit the whole congregation and commemorate your involvement in our church.
The Legacy Brick Fundraising Campaign proceeds go to building fund projects: such as, a new air conditioning system and new sound equipment for the Sanctuary, and a new parking lot, etc.
You can help make all this happen with the purchase of a legacy brick and your customized personalized brick will be forever laid in a designated area on the church property.
This site automatically keeps track of our orders. If you choose to pay by check, please contact us as soon as possible to submit your donation.
Just follow the simple step-by-step process below to place your order. Be sure you are happy with your brick design as it will look very similar to the image on your computer when completed.
Pay online with a major credit card (VISA/MC/AMEX/DISC).
Pay by check or money order.
Follow the on-screen directions during checkout.
If you have any questions, please contact:
Bob Arvizu 818-744-6193 or Joyce Zirkle 626-840-6198,